Board of Directors

John Cotter
– Managing Director and Executive Chairman

John has over 20 years’ experience in major projects across Australia and is a recognised expert in the field of infrastructure planning.

John is a seed investor in North West Phosphate and has continued to fund its development due to his commitment to improving fertilisers for farming regions across Queensland and Australia.


Chris Ramsey
– Marketing and R&D Manager / Executive Director

Chris is an agriculture industry expert specialising in sales and marketing and business strategy. He has over 30 years’ experience in agribusiness and is a leader in agricultural input sales, product development and application.

Chris has experience in business development and growth and will assist with customer development, management and product development.


Greg Pankhurst
– Non-executive Director

Greg brings over 30 years’ experience in owning farming and feedlot operations in South-East Asia. Greg has a broad network in the agricultural sector and has established market access with organic fertiliser users and large-scale cattle producers.

Greg provides expertise in successful negotiations of strong customer and offtake arrangements.


Robert Cavallucci
– Non-executive Director

Robert is the current CEO of Football Queensland, a former Member of Parliament and holds a number of corporate and community organisation board positions.

Robert continues to maintain strong government relationships and brings this together with his extensive project experience.
